We’re committed to providing your small business or family with the best technical support, instruction, and care. We have extensive expertise in the technological systems that are integrated into our homes and businesses. Our focus is on saving you money, and helping to protect your family, employees, and information.
Just Right Tech – We’re not going to give you all the answers… just the right ones.
What in the world is the cloud? Why does my phone always say I’m running out of storage? What happened to my data?
The “cloud” can be a tremendous benefit to the typical family, and any small business.
How can we help?
Let us show you how you can use FREE resources to keep your data available, and easily accessible for your family members, or employees.
Is your TV hooked up correctly to your cable box, satellite or UVERSE box?
Are you getting the picture and sound clarity that you’re paying for?
Is everything connected correctly?
How can we help?
The average household doesn’t realize that even though they’re paying for High-Def signals from their cable box, the typical technician doesn’t hook the equipment up correctly, and so you’re viewing a downgraded signal, or hearing a lower quality sound. We’ll ensure that you’re viewing and hearing what you’re paying for.
Information security and content filtering are crucial in today’s world. Let us show you how to keep your information safe, backed up, and protected.
Is your wireless network customized with security?
Or is it still using the default configuration setup by your cable company?
How can we help?
We can setup free content filtering (pornography, etc) to protect your home devices.Let us make sure your data is properly backed up.We can setup FREE virus and spyware protection for your computers.
Technology moves fast – and our homes and families are on the front line of receiving the benefits, and enduring the challenges of technologically integrated lives.
Just Right Tech, LLC is committed to helping the everyday, busy family efficiently manage their technological needs, keep their children protected from unwanted content, synchronize devices, and allow technology to make life easier – not more challenging!
We have over 25 years of experience in the business, and extensive exposure to the REAL and ACTUAL problems faced by the typical technology consumer. We’re committed to saving you money, and helping you win with your device.